Application Process

We recommend that prospective parents and children take our personalised school tour, hear about our curriculum, walk the corridors and discover the exciting day-to-day life at St. Andrews International School, Sathorn.

The admissions team is always keen to meet families to discuss whether a student’s needs and aspirations can be supported here and an opportunity to meet one of the school leaders can be arranged.

It is best to visit on a school day so that you can get a real sense of the energy and excitement that characterises a day at Sathorn.

Accepting Applications

Applications are accepted throughout the year for the current year and for the forthcoming years.


We are now accepting applications for the current year. We recommend early applications to avoid disappointment. You can reach us at and / or +66 2 632 1995.

Admission Handbook.pdf

Parent Handbook.pdf

Application Process

Step 1

To apply for a place at St. Andrews Sathorn, please submit the following:

  • Completed and signed online Application Form
  • An Application Fee of 5000 Baht per child
  • Photocopy of Parents and Child’s Passports and Visas
  • Photocopies of Child’s Birth Certificate
  • 2 passport size photographs (not older than 6 months)
  • Official transcript or report cards for two years prior to current grade level (translated into English)
  • Educational assessment or specialist reports (where applicable)


Please note that applications will only be accepted via the online application form and all necessary documents should be uploaded as requested.

Step 2

Once these documents have been submitted and the Application Fee has been received, the Admissions Office will review the application file. More information may be requested from you or the previous school. St. Andrews International School will then contact your family to schedule age specific assessments – which may take the form of written tests in English and Maths, a meeting with the Head of School and a half day in class. You will then be notified whether your child has met the criteria for admission.

Please note: Although admissions to our school is open to students of all nationalities, as the main language of instruction is English, full participation in our curriculum requires proficiency in the English Language. For students from Year 1 to Year 6, we offer a limited number of places on our EAL programme.


Step 3

When a place is offered, the Entrance Fee must be paid within fourteen days (14) days. If the Enrolment Fee is not received within 14 days, priority will be given to other applicants. The first instalment of tuition fees is due on 1st June for August entry and six weeks prior to the student’s commencement at other times during the school year. The medical examination form will need to be completed and returned prior to the student’s start date.

We highly recommend a personalised tour to feel the true spirit of Sathorn

Our Admissions Team stands ready to assist you.

Visit us Today!

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